Tuesday, December 30, 2008

-At tHe EnD 0F tHe yEaR-

hmm..lamany x sntuh blog ni ek..mm.end of year, di sini aku nk singkap skit ape yg berlaku spnjg 2008..random je lah..x igt..heheh

26 DECEMBER 2008----->21 THN

yay! it's ur burfday yaya! me with ma younger sish. yg tgh tu bru form4 yg ujung tu form 1.. hafizah and sumaiyyah. pic was taken a day b4 the day..dadda ajak shopping n mkn my fav fastfood KFC of course. momma+dadda's pic xsmpt nk snap coz batt fon abes lak..hari kejadian, momma 1st time masak spageti 4 me, yummy2.....4 dinner, mcm biasa nasi ayam la (my fav gak tu)..4 supper, bro beli satay pulak..kek? da lama xde kek on bday, sbb da slalu sgt mkn..hehe..

um..actually itu je memory yg smpat dirakam dan diabadikan..heh..i ni sbnrny pemalas nk snap gmbr2..heheh..


Tawun ni 3 org cousins i menukar status dr bujg sbg suami org dan juga tunangan org. It's just a simple ceremony but cukup utk membuatkan org lain happy..di sebaliknya, ikatan keluarga tu lg kuat sebenarny bila ada event2 camni.


Raya ek..twun ni,like every year, mesti ade yg xcukup..dis year my younger sis telah pun berhijrah ke Kaherah utk further studies..so, our siblings x cukup twn ni dan akan stay x cukup for another 3 raya lagi..huhu..


BLN 7-Aku smbg ijazah kat UMP..um..suasana quite best. tp xdpt sesuaikan diri lagi dgn sistem kat cni n kwan2..i wish to befriend with all of u, dats y i organize open house sempena hari pertama zulkaedah..the reason is to get close to u all instead of other reasons...hmm. so far so good.bdak2 klas x sombong pown..i like u all guys..(bodek nii)..

result camne plak?emm..ok la..(common answer laa..)..hehe.tp yg penting x jatuh dr takat 3 la..


Mcm twun2 yg biasa..hubungan baik dikekalkan, xde musuh2, gaduh2, still maintain..ak memg x prob tp adek2 suka fight2 tp elok balik la..bro pon da beli keta sendiri.. i wish to have my own dream car.kalu ley nk beli cash n yg mura2 je..20 twun akn dtg ak akn memiliki my own BMW or AUDI..hehe..u wish la yaya!...kuat berangan betul..lagi, xde tambhn family, cukup takat tu je. hehe.. saya sayang family saya


Same like last year, me with my own self, kdg2 x blh lupa dia..tp nk buat camana nasi jadi bubur..wish he coming back but it's impossible even in my dreams..been thinking of him, wish he found another better girl than me. tp mcm terdengar2 pulak dia da ade pengganti lain,. still, we are friends,.if he wants to keep a secret bout his love, i dun mind..coz i sndri yg rela hati melepaskan dia pergi.(sadisnya....)..hope dia happy2 jer, n i really hope dat girl blh buatkan dia happy and bersemangat utk meneruskan hidup..i knew i've been a bad gf dats y i dun want him selalu mkn hati n slalu terasa dgn perangai ak so the best way is i better break up...sorry ye awak!..sy harap sgt2 awak happy dgn gf baru awak..dun wory boout me la....u pon slalu kata im a 'big girl'..i can take care of myself.. n i dun wish to find another love. cukup sekali..(^_^)


Bln 5 kot x silap ma family adopt 2 ekor anak kucing buangan yg x comey dan huduh pada mulanya, tp lama2 da besar maka comellah ia..sekor itam sekor putih..nama dipilih momo n mimi.. luv em soooo much walaupun kucing kampong tp dey all ni agak2 cerdik jugak la..my mom suka cakap2 ngan 2 eko haiwan ni and kdg2 dey give rsponse tau.itu yg buat kami sayang bangat kat binatang ni..bab buang-membuang najis ni depa cukup pandai mencari toilet even main kat luar sekalipun..tp bukan pakai mangkuk tandas pon, cukup setakat tempat yg ada air maka di situlah ia menunaikan hajatnya...haha...cumey laaa..

ni my uncle pny kitti-ditty yg cumey..pandai posing binatang-binatang nie..........

saya sayaaaang kucen saya


Em.my 1st konvo..excited x igt..suka tengok happy faces kat sana..suka sgt attend convo x kesah la sapa yg grad..happy kan tgok graduat2 diiktiraf dan dirai hasil usaha menimba ilmu.. 4 me, it's a happy happy day, happy happy smile..(hehe)..ak pon da genggam diploma..pasni ijazah pulak, pastu master pastu phd..(insyaAllah)..


It's not kerja la, i can call it as a kerja sampingan waktu cuti semester. i helped my sish with her survey. peranan aku sbg seorg driver yg mengusung akak ke hulu hilir mencari rumah2 utk disurvey under MOSTI..huhu..pnat x igt..bkn stkt mengusung tetapi ak pun terlibat sama utk memainkan peranan sbg pembantu pembanci.kerja ku cuma take notes.. halangan dan cabaran jgn ckp laa memg byk sgt nk hadapi kerenah2 responden kat malaya ni tp tu la keje yg akan aku igt smpai bila2..pennaaaat weehh..

actually byk lg happened laa..n i actually suffer from 'mid-term memory loss'...my childhood pown i cannot remember much..was i happy or not, im not really sure..n kdg2 pown i xley igt i pnah couple ke, accident ke, kene marah ke..tp bkn semua laa, mana yg melekat tu melekat laa, mana yg x ingat tu rasa mcm terjadi dlm mimpi je..seriously,,..

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

LOL cats

cats. i luv it sooo muacchh.. x ley idup la tanpa kucing. mcm x lengkap.. kat uma bru ade 2 ekoq. (ceh..ade 2 pon nk kecoh)..hehe. emm..dr kecik lagi my bro n i suka bela kucing. day by day ade je kucing yg r.i.p...wehehe. harapan, ak nk buat satu rumah special tuk kucing (bkn ny angan nk wat umah utk omak abah, ade ke nk wat umah kucen..x patot btol)..ish. ni ak nk share gmbr kucing yg kiut miut n funny.just a few la..kalau nk tgok byk leh pinar mata gua.ni pon da nek pinar da ni..i lv 'em...muaaacckk..
*no need caption la ek..*

loloh~..mm..JULIO suits u la dear~

i luv dis pic..tergolek2 ak gelak.smpai rumet ak kate ak giler..haha..depends kat korg la nk gelak cmne, tergolek ke tertonggeng ke..weehee..

huk aloh..tetibe sesat en.mingdao ni..hehehe..cutenyew~

Sunday, November 2, 2008

***dAmN rEgReTs***

2day, 1st day exam final kat ump ni.. memg berbeza sgt dgn utm dulu... now,,REgrETfuLLL... yes! im regrets of wut hv i done to my own self.......... nmpknya aku x berubah2... dah 3 tahun pngalaman mcm ni x sedar2 lg.. huhu...lain kali tanak buat dah.. Promise!! memg hari ni rasa regret sgt2.. hari ni jugak la rasa jantung ni nk lompat keluar. x penah2 rasa camni! hadoii laa.. ni la padahnya study last menet! huhu..x smpai 10 jam ak study fluid n then trus pegi exam dgn tido yg x smpai 2 jam,.. fuh.. memang tempah maut,,..rasa cam nk tmpr pipi momo ngan mimi je....
tApi..............................ak bersyukur sbb ak x blur, bLanK, bLack0ut.. alhamdulillah..
now, ak da promise xnk study last menet.. uwwaa... need my momma, mimi n momo.. huhu..
korang, jgn study last menet... ak SERIK!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

sTaY ThE sAmE

Don't you ever wish you were someone else,
You were meant to be the way you are exactly.
Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.
When you learn to love yourself, you're better off by far.
And I hope you always stay the same,
cuz there's nothin' 'bout you I would change.
I think that you could be whatever you wanted to be
If you could realize, all the dreams you have inside.
Don't be afraid if you've got something to say,
Just open up your heart and let it show you the way.
Believe in yourself.,reach down inside.
The love you find will set you free.
Believe in yourself, you will come alive.
Have faith in what you do.You'll make it through.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


arrr..tanggal 19 ogos 2008, akhirnya dpt jgak genggam segulung ijazah.. ehh.. diploma la tue...hehe.. ape yg heppinye, dgn titik peluh usaha susah payah selama 3 tawun mbuahkn hasil.. eventhough cuma 2nd class dip.. tp alhamdulillah dgn berkat doa emak2 abah2 dpt jgk merasa dip kn..emm..
happy sgt dpt jmpa balik kwn2.. shyness yg dulunya
menebal da ilang sikit2 bila jmpa member sperjuangn dlu samada knal atau x.. pnglmn kat utm skudai slama 4 hr rasa mcm x ckup utk njoy ngan kwn2.. dah lumrah anak muda, kalaau x njoy x sah.. kan??
mmm.. ni la my 1st convocation.. i felt extremely happy,..my parents sgt merai. especially abah.as far as i knew, he's very proud n happy. bila teringat balik, rasa beruntung sgt. rasanya abah lah org yg paling beria hr tu.. hahahhaa..
tp yg terkilannya tu, x sm
pat nk take photo ngan kwn2 yg lain. just a few.. ye la. mana nk berkejar amik gmbr studio lg, hntr jubah, ambik sijil, pastu nk bertolak ke kuantan lg..fuhh..kalau diingat balik memg pnat sgt hr tu.. kaki ni rasa mcm dah lumpuh dgn high heel..fuh.. muka berminyak2..
tp ok la tu.. (^_^)
haha..: emm..
dear ex-UTMKL..I WILL MISS U GUYS A LOT.. byk yg dah kita hadapi sama2.. kenangan selama 3 thn ni harap korg simpan kemas2 dalm kotak ingatan masg2. make sure u all guys achieve what u want in ur life.. life's hard to live if we live hard..HIDUP SEKSYEN 18 & 19
nad,sya..I MISS YOU..